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General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

of Scuderia Hanseat Gesellschaft für sicheres Autofahren mbH (last revised: December 2023)

“Only the German version is legally valid.”

  • 1 Validity of these GTC only, conclusion of contract, contracting parties

(1)   By booking an event run by Scuderia Hanseat Gesellschaft für sicheres Autofahren mbH (hereinafter referred to as “Scuderia”), you are expressing your consent to the validity of these General Terms and Conditions, which are intended as being neutral in gender. Scuderia does not accept any deviating terms and conditions of its customers.

(2)   With your booking, you are submitting an offer to us, Scuderia, to conclude a contract relating to your participation in an event that usually incurs charges. Only after you have received our booking confirmation (order confirmation, which is usually sent via electronic means), does a mutually binding contract come into force between yourself or the booker and ourselves, Scuderia Hanseat Gesellschaft für sicheres Autofahren mbH, represented by its Managing Director with sole representation right Peter Seidenberg and Dr. Mathias Creon, postal address: Sachsenstraße 5, 20097 Hamburg (Commercial Register: District Court of Hamburg HRB 129260; VAT No. DE188336591).

(3)   Since we are obliged to restrict participant numbers in our events and also to verify the suitability of our participants and their vehicles, it may take up to 5 working days to confirm or reject your booking or – at your request – to simply add you to a waiting list. The following information is therefore important: our automated confirmation of receipt of your booking (registration confirmation) following your online booking does not constitute a confirmation of your booking (acceptance of your offer) by Scuderia.

  • 2 Availability, waiting list, no obligation to conclude a contract

(1)   If your requested event is already fully booked at the time of your registration (online booking), then Scuderia will notify you of this immediately. In such cases, your contractual offer will not be accepted. A contract is not concluded. If requested, the participant can be placed on a waiting list.

(2)   If a suitable space in the event should become free, we will inform those persons on the waiting list. Those persons on the waiting list are under no obligation to book a place that becomes free in an event, just as we are under no obligation to confirm their booking.

  • 3 Services provided by Scuderia, participation types, licenses

(1)   The scope of services that Scuderia offers and endeavours to provide can be seen at However, we have to reserve the right to amend the scope of service or the programme as a result of local conditions (such as the weather, track conditions, measures to tackle pandemics, noise control etc.), if these changes are neither significant nor objectively unreasonable for the participants. We will grant a subsequent price reduction in the event of restrictions to our scope of service for which we are not responsible, only and if we ourselves are able to reduce our event costs as a result.

(2)   Participation in the “sports driver training course” event is possible either as a solo driver or by alternating with another driver as a “double starter.” In addition to a solo driver, one person (minimum age 14) may take part as a “passenger” as an alternative to the double starter. A passenger – unlike a double starter – is not entitled to drive the vehicle during the event. Furthermore, the passenger may not take part in the final examination as a driver. If an additional person is registered as a double starter and if they own a driver license that is valid in Germany, then this double starter is entitled to switch with the participant as the driver during the event. Furthermore, the double starter is entitled to take part in the final examination and they are assessed in what is called the prestarter group.

(3)   In addition to participating as a driver in the sports driver training course, they also have the option of completing an additional course to obtain the “Nationale Lizenz Stufe A” [National License Category A] license from the Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e. V. (DMSB), the Swiss “Lizenz National” [National License] from the Verband Auto Sport Schweiz, or the DMSB Permit Nordschleife during the sports driver training course for an additional charge. This driver license course also requires uninterrupted participation in the sports driver training course. To obtain the license or permit, another condition is that the theoretical part of the license course, which is offered during the sports driver training course and ends with a written examination, must be successfully completed. Due to the fact that the license courses are running at the same time, during the sports driver training course, each driver may take part in only one of the three license courses named.

  • 4 Prerequisites for participating in the sports driver training course

(1)   During the sports driver training course, each driver must continuously have a driver license that is valid in Germany for the vehicle that they are driving; this does not apply to passengers.

(2)   The participant’s vehicle must be road legal in Germany during the sports driver training course and the vehicle must have statutory third party liability insurance cover in Germany.

(3)   Sound levels are measured on the Nürburgring. Vehicles that are too loud may be excluded from participating further in the sports driver training course without compensation. The maximum permitted sound level is currently 98 dB (A).

(4)   The tyres on the participating vehicle must be road legal. Slicks and rain racing tyres are not permitted, whereas semi-slicks and standard tyres are.

(5)   Vehicles without a solid roof must have a functioning roll bar. These vehicles are allowed on the racing track only if they are driven with the roof and side windows closed.

  • 5 Prices, discounts, payment terms, consequences of late payment

(1)   All prices stated are in Euro and include statutory value-added tax minus the costs of any hotel bookings that are connected to the event (see § 11).

(2)   The latest event prices can be seen at Scuderia offers a range of discounts that can also be seen at the above-mentioned address.

(3)   With our booking confirmation for the relevant event, we will invoice you a down payment amounting to 50% of the participation price. Alternatively, the customer can pay the full training course fee when they register. If the participant has only paid the reservation fee, the remaining event price will be invoiced and will be due between four and six weeks before the start of the course.

(4)   In the event of a late payment (payment after the due date) by the customer for a booking that we have confirmed, we reserve the right to withdraw from the contract without further notification once an additional 2 weeks have lapsed, and to offer the place that has become available to a customer on the waiting list. The defaulting customer does not have any claim to our withdrawal from the contract.

  • 6 Recommendation of cancellation insurance, rebooking policies and costs

(1)   We would like to point out that in order to participate in our events, customers can take out cancellation insurance at their own cost. This is comparable to travel cancellation insurance. Such insurance policies are offered by various companies such as credit card providers, automobile clubs, insurance companies etc.

(2)   If a registered participant is unable to participate in the event, and if Scuderia names a replacement participant for them in writing, and if they subsequently accept the booked space, Scuderia will confirm this rebooking free of charge and in writing to both parties. In the event of a rebooking within 3 weeks before the start of the event, the customer is not entitled to have their name corrected in the programme and the documents that are handed out during the training course. The same applies if the replacement participant moves from the waiting list. In any case, the financial compensation takes place without our involvement between the original customer and the replacement participant.

(3)   For all other rebookings to other events run by Scuderia, the following fees are incurred:

Rebooking up to and including 60 days before the start of the course: 300.00 EUR

Rebooking up to and including 45 days before the start of the course: 600.00 EUR

Rebooking up to and including 30 days before the start of the course: 1,200.00 EUR

Rebooking up to and including 15 days before the start of the course: 50% of the event price

(4)   In the aforementioned four situations (see (3), any remaining customer credit will be offset against a newly-booked training course.  

(5)   Rebooking or withdrawal by the customer later than 15 days before the start of the event: The full event price is due as a rebooking or cancellation fee. It is not credited to the price of a newly booked event.

  • 7 Limitation of liability for Scuderia, waiver of liability to participants

(1)   Scuderia shall be liable only in cases of intent and gross negligence. In the event of injury to life, limb or health, or if essential contractual obligations are breached, Scuderia shall be liable in accordance with statutory provisions. Fundamental contractual obligations are obligations that are necessary to achieve the goals of the contract.

(2)   In the event that essential contractual obligations are breached, Scuderia shall be liable only to the amount of foreseeable damage that is typical of the contract, if this was caused by gross negligence, unless it is a claim for damages by the participant arising from injury to life, limb or health.

(3)   Scuderia shall not be liable for damages of any kind that participants inflict on themselves or on third parties during the event; customers participate in events run by Scuderia at their own risk. As a prerequisite for participation, all customers are obligated to sign and accept a written waiver of liability in relation to all other participants.

(4)   The limitations of liability of § 7 figure (1) and (2) shall also apply in favour of the legal representatives, auxiliary persons and vicarious agents of Scuderia, if claims should be asserted directly against them.

  • 8 Exclusion of liability at Nürburgring

(1)   The participant will drive on the Nürburgring under the exclusion of any liability of Scuderia, its statutory representatives, auxiliary persons and vicarious agents.

(2)   This exclusion of liability does not apply in the case of injury to life, limb or health. In such cases, Scuderia shall be liable in accordance with statutory provisions.

(3)   Participants shall waive claims of any kind against the other participants and the owners and holders of the other vehicles that arise in connection with driving on the Nürburgring circuit. This waiver does not apply to any intentional or grossly negligent damage that is caused.

  • 9  Data protection, storage of contractual data

(1)   When using the online registration function, participants have the option of registering themselves by providing personal data. In doing so, the data is entered on the entry screen and transmitted to Scuderia, where it is stored. The registration serves to fulfil a contract or to perform precontractual measures and is thus based on Art. 6 Par. 1 lit. b GDPR.

(2)   Depending on the individual case, Scuderia requires contact information such as names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses in order to conclude and process contracts. Furthermore, Scuderia uses the data to maintain its customer database to ensure that only relevant data is stored there. For more information about data protection, see:

  • 10 No right of revocation

The customer is not entitled to a right of revocation after submitting their online booking, since a right of revocation does not come into being in connection with the provision of services relating to leisure activities if the contract – as is the case here – stipulates a specific date or period for the provision.

  • 11 Optional hotel reservation, contract with the hotel, not Scuderia

(1)   Scuderia gives participants the option of booking rooms at special rates in the Dorint Am Nürburgring Hocheifel or in the LINDNER Congress- und Motorsporthotel Nürburgring during the sports driver training course. The relevant room prices are available at

(2)   If the participant would like to reserve a room at the special rates, then they shall notify Scuderia of this at the time of registration. Scuderia will then forward the participant’s data on to the relevant hotel and they will subsequently contact the participant directly.

(3)   The room is booked at the rates offered by Scuderia directly between the participant and the relevant hotel. Scuderia does not accept any liability whatsoever – not even as an intermediary – for any deficiencies in the hotel accommodation.

Section 12 Final provisions

(1)   The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to contracts between Scuderia and its customers subject to compulsory regulation under international private law, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

(2)   Should individual provisions of these conditions be invalid, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The contracting parties will endeavour to replace the invalid provision with an effective one that most closely approximates the economic meaning of the invalid provision.