Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of frequently asked questions about our training course.
Passengers are also welcome on our training course, and it costs less. Minimum age 14 years. Approved for training course, minimum age 14 years.
If you are registered as a “passenger” you are not allowed to drive the registered vehicle yourself, and may not take part in the competition or final examination as a driver.
If you are registered as a “double starter” you can take turns driving with the participant, provided that you have a driving license which is valid in Germany. In the competition or in the final exam, you are allowed to take part in a separate group of participants (so-called “pre-starters”) and will be evaluated like a participant and may win a prize.
If you are registered as a “double starter plus” you can also bring your own vehicle with you to the course. This means that the participant and the “double starter plus” can both drive their own vehicles. But there is an important restriction: Both vehicles may never be driven on the racetrack at the same time. This is monitored by us. The vehicles are marked separately. Violations of this rule will result in subsequent billing of 4,000 Euros by us to the participant and notification to the Nürburgring management – both shall take place without any discussion, because we are not allowed to exceed the number of cars that are registered for the circuit. The “double starter plus” option can therefore only be booked a limited number of times. Depending on the booking status of the course, registration for this option may have to be stopped. Early booking is therefore recommended.
German motor vehicle third party liability and comprehensive insurance usually also covers damage on the Nürburgring that occurs during our courses (although not as frequently in recent times), since our courses, the competitions and the final examinations do not involve time classifications, race rankings or driving at the maximum possible speeds. At our events, the focus is on controlling the vehicle with maximum safety.
We endeavour to improve the driving style of our participants so that they can also drive more safely in road traffic. Particularly during the competition or the final examination, we only evaluate the driving style, not the speed. As a condition of their participation, all of our participants sign a comprehensive liability waiver towards fellow participants and our trainers as part of their booking and participation.
However, all participants are still advised to obtain specific information about coverage for our event from their vehicle insurer before registering for our course, or arrange for coverage for an additional premium. For more information, please also read our General business terms and conditions (T&Cs).
No other format is more suitable for rookies for familiarising with the confusing and hilly circuit of the Nürburgring-Nordschleife with its 73 corners, and drive it exclusively and safely away from the dangerous “tourist traffic”. However, our course format is also ideal for repeat participants (“sports drivers”) and Nordschleife experts (“experienced drivers”) who want to improve their performance in individual sections or in a different vehicle. With us you’ll get to know the circuit using different types of training, from the theory workshop to walking difficult sections of the circuit (“Track Walk”) and driving behind professionals on the ideal line (“Lead & Follow”) to your free driving on what is probably the most beautiful and most difficult race track in the world, individually assessed by us as professionals. The course is rounded off by an international exchange of experiences with like-minded people among exciting sports cars of all makes and price ranges. A “must” for car enthusiasts!